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NIGHT LIFE, the novel that wants to be a movie

In light of the two requests for the MS, I am powering through Revision Hell like nobody's business.

In theory.

In practice, I got stuck on the yuckiest scene ever last night. Literally, I started at 10:30 pm and worked on the same 5 pages until 1, trying to wrassle this crucial (but highly sucky) scene into submission.

The pages in question involve Luna and her cousin Sunny, a witch, going to see a professor of occult junk for advice on fighting the Big Bad of the novel. In a movie, this scene would totally work, with ominous music and visual aids and lots of mood lighting. On the page it feels like a humongous boring infodump but there is no way that Luna or her cousin would know anything about any of this crap on their own. At least there are cool visual aids...described in words.

Onward and definitely upward, because after figuratively flinging the MS across my room about eight times there is nowhere to go but up.

About the Writer

  • Luna
  • Nocturne City
  • I've been a homcide detective in Nocturne City for two years and a werewolf for a good bit longer than that. I wasn't born this way, but now it's who I am. Sure, balancing my work life and keeping my secret from almost everyone I care about can be stressful, but after a few full moons a girl learns how to deal--or at least how to accessorize for fur, fangs and claws.