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Braaaaaains (are funny things)

So yeah, glancing at the outline for DEAD OF NIGHT (zombie screenplay), realized I had forgotten an entire (and pivotal) scene in which the MC heroine gets involved in a Mexican standoff with a prison guard, a drug smuggler and others while all the while zombies are trying to get into the hotel room.

The funny thing was, I didn't even notice it was missing until I read back through the outline to see where I'd pick up tomorrow. The brain is a funny thing...dropping details you think are incredibly necessary and replacing them with things your subconcious would want to see if it were sitting and watching a low-budget zombie flick.

Anyway, I typed 12 unformatted pages which works out to about 20 formatted pages and about 30 minutes of screen time with all the screaming/running involved in early Act II. So I'm up to 45 minutes of screen time or...(dun da da daaaa!) the halfway mark! (More when I add in the forgotten Mexican standoff...)


About the Writer

  • Luna
  • Nocturne City
  • I've been a homcide detective in Nocturne City for two years and a werewolf for a good bit longer than that. I wasn't born this way, but now it's who I am. Sure, balancing my work life and keeping my secret from almost everyone I care about can be stressful, but after a few full moons a girl learns how to deal--or at least how to accessorize for fur, fangs and claws.