It's gone to phone calls...
AKA Yet Another Query Update.
So yeah, lots of excitement today. My poor lil' heart is all aflutter. While at work doing work-like thyings, I got two phone calls.
Call #1
Obsessively checking email. See that I have voicemail on my Vonage home phone number. (I [heart] Vonage.) Check caller ID and see a 212 area code. Listen to voice message. Big 5 agent asking me to call to talk about book. Contain shriek, take down number and head outside to call back. As I am walking the phone rings with a different 212 number.
Call #2
Another, different agent calling to talk about book. Is a super-duper fancy-nice guy and asks me to let him finish reading the MS before I accept any offers. Since he is, in fact, super-duper fancy-nice I say sure and do a spontaneous boogie in the car park. Get some weird looks from other people on their cell phones in the car park. Who cares?!
Call #1 part the second
Call the first agent back and we talk about the MS. She likes it but has concerns and we end with her sending me a revision email to look over and decide how well our visions mesh.
Dude, I'm freaking out...
So yeah, lots of excitement today. My poor lil' heart is all aflutter. While at work doing work-like thyings, I got two phone calls.
Call #1
Obsessively checking email. See that I have voicemail on my Vonage home phone number. (I [heart] Vonage.) Check caller ID and see a 212 area code. Listen to voice message. Big 5 agent asking me to call to talk about book. Contain shriek, take down number and head outside to call back. As I am walking the phone rings with a different 212 number.
Call #2
Another, different agent calling to talk about book. Is a super-duper fancy-nice guy and asks me to let him finish reading the MS before I accept any offers. Since he is, in fact, super-duper fancy-nice I say sure and do a spontaneous boogie in the car park. Get some weird looks from other people on their cell phones in the car park. Who cares?!
Call #1 part the second
Call the first agent back and we talk about the MS. She likes it but has concerns and we end with her sending me a revision email to look over and decide how well our visions mesh.
Dude, I'm freaking out...
Excellent, dude! :D
Posted by
Anonymous |
12:39 PM
Dude, that is awesome! Such a fast response too!
Now, if you get repped, you have to promise to tell us who it is. *g*
Posted by
Anonymous |
5:30 PM