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Revision Method

Since I ranted about Revision Hell at such length, I realize I appear very much like the worst kind of angsty!bitchy writer, the type that spends hours moaning about their Craft on blogs and doesn't get a damn bit of work done. I'd really hate for anyone reading to think that. Writing is hard work but that doesn't give you an excuse to slag off or whine (which in itself is a form of slagging off.)

This is what I've done so far in the first revision of NIGHT LIFE:
  1. Wrote a cohesive 4-page outline of what happens in the novel. Not what happens in the first draft. That would be too much to ask.
  2. Seperated the entier 360-odd page manuscript into scenes. Not chapters. Some of these are about half a page long, but so what. Forced myself NOT to make any changes that were glaring at me from the pages with little inky eyes.
  3. Printed out a hard copy with page breaks. Almost blew up my friend's laser printer, but again, so what.
  4. Seperated each scene into a section with a paperclip. Ended up with about 50 scenes for a 73,000 word novel.
  5. Read through each scene, making notes at the top and bottom of what needs to go into the scene (top) and whether a new bit should occur between scene 1 and scene 2 (bottom.)
  6. Transfer notes to electronic copy.
On page 12 now, and so far so good.

About the Writer

  • Luna
  • Nocturne City
  • I've been a homcide detective in Nocturne City for two years and a werewolf for a good bit longer than that. I wasn't born this way, but now it's who I am. Sure, balancing my work life and keeping my secret from almost everyone I care about can be stressful, but after a few full moons a girl learns how to deal--or at least how to accessorize for fur, fangs and claws.