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The Bite

In NIGHT LIFE, werewolves who are turned after birth have "gotten the bite".

Just so my post title makes sense...

I'm up to page 114 in Revision Hell, firmly 3rd-circling.

I have two more nights to finish the first revision pass (assuming I get a request for material at Writer's Weekend, which I probably won't.)

I'm going to feel awfully silly having killed my brain over this draft if no one ("no one" meaning 1 editor and 1 agent) wants to see NIGHT LIFE. Plus, I realized last night that what I have is not paranormal chick lit, it's paranormal fantasy/gritty detective story with female protagonist. Hard sell. Gargh.

If nothing else, the conference gives me a dandy excuse to leave work early, and not be there at all tomorrow. I'll be updating nightly while at WW. My first conference, so I'm very nervous. Will let you know how it pans out.

About the Writer

  • Luna
  • Nocturne City
  • I've been a homcide detective in Nocturne City for two years and a werewolf for a good bit longer than that. I wasn't born this way, but now it's who I am. Sure, balancing my work life and keeping my secret from almost everyone I care about can be stressful, but after a few full moons a girl learns how to deal--or at least how to accessorize for fur, fangs and claws.